Jado Developments | Bio
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Christine Tsingelidis


Christine embarked on a career as an Interior Designer and has now entered the world
of construction as a Domestic and Commercial Builder. It was the perfect evolution
she explains as it has given her the ability to take charge of her refurbishments from the
conceptual Stage, right through to handover.


Bringing her two worlds together was a natural progression. She found her attention to detail
both as an interior designer and a builder are traits that set her apart. Taking her client’s visions and creating unique interiors is ultimately design driven but the construction stage is also an integral part of the process.


From a design prospective Christine brilliantly combines contemporary chic and neo classical styles and manages to emulate individuality.


She professes her designs must draw you in and thrill.


Her sophisticated signature has always been evident in her designs which have been
Influenced from her love of Art, Architecture and visiting Museums all around the world.


Bringing a space to life and breathing a soul into it always stirs the same emotions, feelings
of euphoric entrancement. The concept for a new project Christine explains can emerge from the most unlikely source giving rise to an all engulfing sense of adventure.


Traveling around the world has given way to a plethoric attainment of creativity and a desire
to infuse different eras and cultures into her designs. Armed with years of experience Christine
has now ventured into the world of Bespoke Furniture and added her own carpet designs to her Portfolio.


I love new beginnings and the more chaos around me the more challenged and the more alive I feel.

Christine Tsingelidis